Have your say Colac Otway’s future library services

Published on 21 April 2020

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Libraries are closed across Australia in response to the CVID-19 situation, and they are among the valuable assets that our community is potentially missing greatly.

Colac Otway Shire is urging residents of all ages to consider the collections available and level of service provided at our Colac and Apollo Bay libraries and through the outreach service to our small communities during their normal operation.

It’s time for the community to have its say on an opportunity for a larger library service and consider if it supports Council paying more for an improved service.

Colac Otway Shire Mayor Cr Jason Schram said Colac Otway’s consideration of new library service opportunities was continuing during the COVID-19 crisis because Council needs to make a decision about our libraries’ futures before the end of the financial year.

Cr Schram said Council was currently a member of the Corangamite Regional Library Corporation, along with Corangamite, Warrnambool and Moyne councils.

“Last year, responding to community feedback, Colac Otway started investigating the opportunity to have improved library services delivered through the Geelong Regional Library Corporation,” Cr Schram said.

“Warrnambool City Council has now announced it will leave the Corangamite partnership and it is getting close to when our current partnership agreement with the Corangamite Regional Library Corporation is due for renewal.

“Council is urging local residents to complete a survey and indicate if they believe an improved library service is a worthwhile investment at a cost of up to an extra $5 per resident per year.”

The Geelong Regional Library Corporation would provide our libraries and outreach services with access to a larger library collection including eCollections, music and movies, digital magazines and newspapers, audiobooks, ebooks and more.

Members can browse the entire collection on the GRLC website using guides, apps and award lists to make their selection of this vast and diverse collection easy and fun.

GRLC would also offer more computers and greater internet access at Colac and Apollo Bay, longer borrowing periods, more library programs and more promotional activities – but at the same great centres with the same great staff.

The investigation undertaken by Council indicates that the cost to Colac Otway of this improved library services would be an increase of around $100,000 per year, or an increase from at least $33 to up to $38 per resident per year. 

However, the actual amount is likely to be much less now that Warrnambool have indicated they are leaving the Corangamite corporation, which will effectively increase Council’s cost if it remains with Corangamite.

While you are staying home and staying safe, please take time to consider the value of library services in our community by completing an online survey (also available in hard copy by contacting Council’s Customer Service Centre on 52329400).

Whether you are a school student, have a young family that enjoys Rhyme Time, love reading the latest novels or researching a new hobby – or just can’t wait to start discovering your library when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted – please have your say!

The survey opens on 22 April, should take only five minutes to complete and closes at 5pm on 13 May, 2020.

Visit at https://www.colacotway.vic.gov.au/Community-consultations/Colac-Otway-Shire-Library-Services-Review for more information and to complete the Colac Otway Library Services Survey.