Colac Otway Shire Council undertakes vaccination programs to prevent or reduce the effects of vaccine preventable diseases. Along with our free childhood immunisation program, Council also offers school vaccinations, maternal heath vaccinations and flu vaccinations programs.
Changes to Council's Immunisation Program
From 15 July 2024 you will need to book your immunisation session using the Victorian Department of Health, Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV).
Bookings are made online via the CIRV portal: Home (
If you haven't use CIRV before, you will need to create an account the first time you use the booking portal.
How to create a CIRV portal account
Before creating an account, you will need to have:
- An email address
- Access to the email account
- A Medicare Card (if you have one)
Visit Home (
Go to Sign In or Create an Account and follow the instructions.

Attending a Council Session
- Bookings are required for all sessions.
- Please bring your Medicare card if you have one, and your child's personal Health Record Book to the session.
- Book appointments separately for each child. We will see both children at the earliest booked appointment time.
Please DO NOT attend if your child has a temperature over 38.5 degrees
We would prefer you to cancel and rebook, if:
- You or your child and/or any member of your family is unwell
- You or your child and/or any member of your family has COVID symptoms, has tested positive to COVID or has had a COVID test and awaiting results.
After Immunisation
It is important to remain at the venue for 15 minutes after immunisation for observation.
For information on side effects, refer to the fact sheet on 'Common Reactions to Immunisation' which is given to you at the session.
Booking Cancellation
You can cancel your booking through your account in CIRV and re-book online.
If you have any questions, please contact our Immunisation Team by phone on 03 5232 9400.
Childhood immunsiation is a safe, free and effective way to protect your kids from serious diseases. On time vaccination will give your child the best protection.
The Childhood Immunisation Schedule outline the recommended vaccines for your child from birth to age four (4). These are available free to children under the National Immunisation Program.
Access to free NIP vaccines requires a person to hold or be eligible for a Medicare card. For further information on eligibility, refer to the Immunisation schedule Victoria and vaccine eligibility criteria
This helps to protect them from the most serious childhood infections, some of which may threaten their lives.
There are extra vaccines recommended for some children who are more at risk. You should talk to your health professional to see if they recommend your child get these vaccines.
Children with certain medical conditions are eligable for additional vaccines for free such as pneumococcal and meningococcal. Speak to your vaccination provider to see if your child requires additional vaccines.
Council’s Health Protection unit offers free immunisations for children as part of the National Immunisation Program. Immunisation from an early age is highly recommended to protect children from life-threatening diseases, such as diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and many others.
When can I get my child immunised in the Colac Otway Shire?
Colac: free childhood immunisations take place at COPACC on the third Monday of each month and the first Thursday of each month. Bookings can be made online at:
Please see the chart below for the full list of the 2024 immunisation schedule.
Apollo Bay: by appointment every Monday at the Apollo Bay Kindergarten building, located at the Apollo Bay P-12 College site on Pengilley Avenue.
FIRST (1st) Thursday of the Month
10.00 - 11.30am |
THIRD (3rd) Monday of the Month
2.30 - 4.30pm |
January 2
January 20
February 6 |
February 17 |
March 6 |
March 17 |
April 3 |
April - Cancelled Easter Monday PH |
May 1 |
May 19 |
June 5 |
June 16 |
July 3 |
July 21 |
August 7 |
August 18 |
September 4 |
September 15 |
October 2 |
October 20 |
November 6 |
November 17 |
December 4 |
December 15 |
What do I need to bring to my child’s immunisation session?
Please bring your Medicare card and your child’s health record book.
What vaccines should my child receive?
The Victorian Government’s childhood immunisation information outlines the vaccines your child needs and the age they should receive them. It also includes other important information about immunising your child.
No Jab No Play
Victoria’s new No Jab No Play laws mean parents or guardians seeking to enrol children in an early childhood service must provide evidence of their child’s immunisation. This applies to day care, kindergarten, occasional care and family day care.
No Jab No Pay
Similar to the No Jab No Play laws, the No Jab No Pay rules mean only parents of children (under 20 years of age) who are fully immunised or on an immunisation catch-up schedule will receive family assistance payments.
To obtain information about your child's immunisation please contact the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809 or access your record through MyGov linked to Medicare. There is also a smart phone app available to remind parents when vaccinations are due.
Immunisation programs through the Council’s Maternal and Child Health service have helped eliminate preventable illnesses across the Shire. Opportunistic vaccinations are available for infants during appointments with Council’s Maternal and Child Health service, and women are encouraged to find out more about immunisation during appointments.
Immunisation can protect a pregnant woman and her unborn baby from infectious diseases. Some infectious diseases can cause serious harm to pregnant women or their unborn babies. Ideally, women would be up to date with their immunisations before they become pregnant and all women should receive influenza and whooping cough vaccines during every pregnancy. Partners of women who are at least 28 weeks pregnant should also receive a pertussis booster if the partner has not received one in the last 10 years.
Visit the Victorian Government’s immunisation and pregnancy information for advice on immunisation before, during and after pregnancy.
The Council manages the free immunisation service for Year 7 and 10 students within the Shire. Immunisations available to secondary students include diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, human papillomavirus and Meningococcal ACWY vaccines. The Council sends consent cards and information sheets to all secondary schools in the first quarter of the year. Any student who miss vaccinations can arrange to attend one of the Council’s immunisation sessions for catch ups. Visit the State Government’s immunisation advice for secondary students for more information.
This year - 2025 - Council Immunisation staff will be at Colac Secondary College on 13 May for Year 7 & 10 student vaccinations and Trinity College on 20 May for Year 7 & 10 student vaccinations. Lavers Hill and Apollo Bay Year 7 and 10 students dates are yet to be confirmed.
Any catchups may be also done on these days.
Changes to HPV Dosing Schedule -
The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care has announced that from 6 February 2023, the schedule for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil®9 on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) has changed from two doses of vaccine to a single dose for most people.
The NIP eligibility age for catch-up/missed vaccination has also increased from 19 to 25 years of age
The schedule will not change for immunocompromised people. A 3-dose schedule of 9vHPV vaccine is recommended for people with significant immunocompromising conditions, and all doses remain funded under the NIP.
More information can be found on the Better Health Channel -
HPV Catch Up Program
We are pleased to advise that Council will continue to offer a HPV catch up program in 2025 in conjunction with the Department of Health for young people who may have missed the opportunity to receive their HPV vaccine due to the impacts of Covid-19. We can also provide other overdue vaccines at the same time
To see if your child is due for any vaccines, check your child’s immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register through your MyGov account. If your child is over 14, they will need to access their immunisation history statement themselves through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.
You may download the Year 7 and Year 10 consent forms here:
Immunisation-Year-7-School-Vaccine-Program-Consent-Form.docx(DOCX, 147KB)
Immunisation-Year-10-School-Vaccine-Program-Consent-Form.docx(DOCX, 59KB)
Free Catch-up HPV Vaccinations available for people 25 and under
The HPV vaccine protects against nine types of HPV that cause almost all cases of cervical cancer, other HPV-related cancers and genital warts.
Australians aged 12 to 25 can receive the HPV vaccine for free through the National Immunisation Program. Most people will receive it through school-based programs when they are 12 to 13 years old.
Most people now only require one dose of the vaccine to be protected against HPV-related cancers and diseases. People that are immunocompromised will still require three doses of the vaccine.
Our clinic offers catch-up HPV vaccinations for people who missed out. If you or your child are 25 or under and haven’t had a single dose of the HPV vaccine, book in with our nurses to catch up for free. If you are older than 25 or don’t have a Medicare card, you may need to pay for the vaccine.
Find out more at
Influenza or flu is a very contagious infection of the airways. It affects people of all ages but is especially serious for babies, young children, pregnant women and people with underlying medical conditions. It can require hospitalisation and can cause death.
Vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect yourself and your family from serious disease caused by influenza.
Influenza vaccines are given each year to protect against the most common strains of the virus.
Flu vaccinations for eligible groups are available at Council Immunisation Sessions. Children aged 6 months to less than 5 years, adults over 65 years of age, pregnant women at any stage, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and
over and any person with underlying medical risk factors.
Under 5's and over 65's free flu vaccine now available at Council immunisation sessions.
The Council provides an annual influenza program for infants aged 6 months to 5 years, persons aged over 65 years of age, aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and anyone with a medical condition that puts them at a higher risk of infection. Also to agencies (user pays fees) within the shire. For more information, including costs associated with the program, contact the Council’s health protection team on (03) 5232 9400.
Refugees and humanitarian entrants of any age are eligible to receive free catch-up vaccines under the National Immunisation Program (NIP).
The following vaccines can also be administered at our sessions. These can be purchased via payment at our Colac customer service office or by requesting an invoice.
Please contact the Immunisation Team on 03 5232 9400 to organise one of these vaccinations:
- Meningococcal B: $135 per dose
- Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (Whooping Cough): $51 per dose
- Chickenpox: $73 per dose
The Council will also conduct other immunisation programs as required in conjunction with Victoria’s Department of Health.
Colac Otway Shire Council DO NOT provide Covid-19 vaccines.