Valuation Objection

You can make a formal objection to a valuation or classification of your property within two months of the issue date on the rate notice.  You are still required to pay the rates on the due date, even if the valuation is currently being investigated.

Objections MUST be lodged within two months of a notice being served on a general valuation or supplementary valuation.  No late objections can be considered.

Further information can be found at

Valuation Objection Online Form


To complete a Valuation Objection use the above button to access the Objection Portal.  You will need your latest valuation and rate notice on hand for information.  This is the Valuer General Victoria (VGV) preferred (and quickest) method to lodge your objection to Council rates.  

Dealing with the Objections (section 21(2) Valuation of Land Act)

When an objection is lodged with Council, it is referred to the Valuer for consideration. The Valuer then must provide a reasonable opportunity for the objector to discuss the matter. Within two (2) months after receiving the objection notice, the Valuer has the option to:

(a) Disagree with the objection, whereby no adjustment to the valuation is considered justified and a written notice of disallowance is provided to the objector; or

(b) Agree that an adjustment to the valuation is justified and provide a notice recommending an appropriate adjustment to the objector, the Council and the Valuer-General Victoria (VGV).

Following option (a) (disallowance), the objector and the Council are notified directly. No action from VGV is required.

Following option (b) (an adjustment is recommended), VGV has two (2) months after receiving this notice of recommendation to either agree or disagree with the adjustment to the valuation as recommended by the Valuer. If the Valuer General agrees that the adjustment is justified, a confirmation notice is sent to the rating authority, objector, and Valuer, or if the VGV disagrees with the adjustment made a notice of disallowance is sent to all parties.

Hardcopy Forms

Council prefers you use the Online Form above as the objection will go directly Valuer General's office, however if you are unable to do this, hardcopy forms are provided below