Business Workshops & Seminars

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Business Workshops & Seminars

Colac Otway Shire Council fosters and supports local business growth, by offering a range of business workshops and seminars each year to current and prospective businesses and their employees. 

These events enable business people to connect with industry experts and each other to learn valuable, practical business skills.

Participants can share and gain business knowledge that will help refine the way they operate and adopt new ways of doing business.

To view the available workshops please visit the Business Victoria Workshops and Mentoring page


Business Renewables Buying Group Information Webinar

Colac Otway Shire Council is supporting the Business Renewables Buying Group and would like to invite you to the Business Renewables Buying Group – Information Webinar.

What is the Business Renewables Buying Group?

The Business Renewables Buying Group is designed to bring together a group of like-minded businesses seeking to switch to 100% renewable electricity. With the support of an external facilitator, the group will work collectively to scale up their buying power whilst cutting complexity, time, and cost associated with going 100% renewable. The Business Renewable Buying Group is open to businesses across Victoria consuming over 500mWh per annum of electricity (spending ~$100,000 per annum). Through the Business Renewables Buying Group we are striving to build and refine this model and create a repeatable and scalable group purchasing process to support more businesses to join a renewable future. 

About the webinar:

We are running this session to provide education and support for medium to large electricity consumers to transition to renewable electricity. We invite Victorian businesses interested in mapping their transition to renewable electricity along to the free webinar, you will also learn more about the Business Renewables Buying Group, the Facilitator, who the next round of the buying group will be suitable for and if it will likely work for your business.

Please register for the webinar here

When: Thursday 22 February, 11am-12pm

More information on the Business Renewables Buying Group for any interested Victorian business can be found on the Yarra Website and you can express interest in joining the group using this form.

To find out more, click this link to view the Business Renewables Buyers Group information sheet.(PDF, 79KB)