Colac Otway Shire Grants Program 2024/25


The Colac Otway Shire Grants Program provides one-off financial assistance grants to assist community organisations, event organisers and businesses in delivering projects and events that benefit the wider community and help in achieving outcomes consistent with the 2021-2025 Council Plan.

The Grants Program supports projects and events that improve strong and resilient economies, natural and built environments and healthy and inclusive communities.

The 2024-2025 Grants Program closed for applications on 12 April 2024, and announcements made at the June Council meeting.

Funding Streams

The Grants Program offers three funding streams. Only one application per organisation may be submitted to the Grants Program, you will need to select the most relevant stream to apply to. 

Key Dates

Dates will be advised when the 2025/26 funding round is open.

Applications open: 

Online information sessions:   

Grant Writing Workshop: 

Applications close: 

Notification of outcome: 

Grants presentation event: 

Funding agreements signed: J

Projects commence:  s

Project completed: 

Help Guides, FAQ's and Hints & Tips

Help Guides:

Smartygrants Help Guide for Applicants

Smartygrants Applicants FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

How do I apply for a Grant?

Select the relevant stream and apply through the link.  Applications are made through Smartygrants - an online grant management program. Applicants are required to register or log in to Smartygrants to start a submission.  Attachments can be uploaded in acceptable formats (refer to Applicant’s Help Guide) and recommended size is 5mb, however 25mb is the limit. 

Applications can be saved without submission, allowing a work-in-progress. When the application is complete, select SUBMIT. Applicants will receive an email from Smartygrants confirming submission.

The APPLY NOW link (available 1 March 2024 at 9.00am) and further information is available on each funding stream's page.  

Can I apply for more than one Grant?

No. Only one application can be submitted per organisation, regardless of the funding stream. It is important to select the most relevant stream; Community Grants, Event Grants or Business Grants.

How do I know which Grant to apply for?

Select the grant stream that best matches the project or event you are applying for.

  • Community Grants
  • Events Grants
  • Business Grants

Each grant stream is explained in the Guidelines, highlighting who can and cannot apply for each type of grant.

If you have a query after reading the Guidelines, contact the Grants & Development Officer at or (03) 5232 9400.

Can I submit an application this year if I received funding last year?

Yes, if the previous project is complete and acquitted.

Please note:  applicants that have an outstanding acquittal from a previous grant round will not be eligible to apply for any future grant round.  Contact the Grants Officer to discuss if your current project will not be completed prior to the application closing date. 

The Grants Program is a competitive process and submitting an application does not guarantee funding.

Hints & Tips

Tips for Writing an Application:

Top Tips for Grant Writing(DOCX, 339KB)

Tips for Completing the Budget:

Fact Sheet - Tips for completing the budget Grants Program(PDF, 533KB)

Example of a Funding Agreement:

Funding Agreement Example 2023 - 2024(PDF, 64KB)

Contact Us

For queries relating to the grants program or assistance with the online application, contact the Grants Officer between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Colac Otway Shire Council,  2-6 Rae Street Colac
T:      (03) 5232 9400


Landowner Consent from Council

Land Owners Consent

Any organisation who is wanting to upgrade or construct on Council owned land or facilities must seek Landowner's Consent prior to commencing any works. Should an organisation wish to seek funding support for their project through grant opportunities, then the organisation must seek a letter of support from Council prior to lodging their grant application. Council has 2 documents it can provide:

For grants - Letter of Support (this is not landowner's consent but a letter from Council showing their support for your project)

For Landowner's Consent -  Landowner's Consent Letter (with stipulations on what is required of your organisation to complete your project)

Other permits and approvals may also be required for your project.  It is important to discuss your proposal with Council prior to applying for funding.

Any organisation who is successful with obtaining grant funding for a project, must, once successful, apply for Landowner's Consent. This is to ensure that any changes that have been made to your project after receiving your grant are captured by Council and that any relevant legislation, acts or council policies are adhered to.

If your organisation is unsure on what to do, contact Council on 5232 9400 and and officers will be able to guide you through the process.





Consider subscribing to our e-Newsletter, and receive emails from time to time around Colac Otway Shire's Grants program dates and other funding opportunities.

For more information and to subscribe check out our Grants e-Newsletters.