Producers reminded to tag livestock

Published on 27 November 2019


Producers reminded to tag livestock

Colac Otway Shire Council are reminding livestock producers of their responsibility to tag livestock before being moved off property and prior to delivery to the Colac Saleyards.

Colac Saleyards Superintendent Graeme Riches said all livestock delivered to the Colac Saleyards must be identified with a National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) device.

“The NLIS identifies and tracks beef and dairy cattle from their property of birth to slaughter,” Mr Riches said.

“We’re reminding livestock producers that all livestock must be identified with a NLIS device before being moved off property and prior to delivery to the Colac Saleyards.

“It’s important for producers to correctly tag their cattle and to register the movements of the cattle to maintain traceability for the lifetime of the animal.

 “If an animal arrives at the saleyards without an NLIS device, saleyard staff are required to apply a saleyard post breeder device which is a cost of $50 per device to the livestock producer. That can end up being a costly exercise if a number of livestock require devices to be applied.

“We encourage livestock producers to review requirements under the NLIS to avoid incurring a fine; Agriculture Victoria can issue fines of over $400 per offence for producers or companies which fail to meet legislative requirements,” Mr Riches said.

Further information can be found at the Agriculture Victoria website the NLIS website or contact Council on 5232 9400.